The option of a backpack or messenger

Gone are the days when the choices for diaper bags were pink or blue, polka dots or plain available in, you guessed it plastic type materials. Shopping for one was as easy as choosing the desired color and off to the cash register you go. Or buying that over sized purse to fit extra diapers, wipes and a multitude of other potentially necessary items needed when spending any amount of time out with baby, then digging around for those items when you need them. Oh, moms still want to be prepared for all the possibilities when out with their infants and children, such as diaper changes, bibs, clean clothes and all the other necessities that go with them. But it is time for us moms to realize that practicality and fashion statements can be held hand in hand, especially when it comes to toting around baby supplies. You now have choices you can make by opting for a handmade bag representing your tastes and personality while keeping everything you need within range. With the many shapes and designs now available also come many options coming into play when making your diaper bag a statement of your own style. You can choose the number of compartments and where they are located. You can choose the fabric color and style you wish, enabling your diaper bag to resemble an oversized purse rather than that easy to notice bag everyone can spot from across the room. What about the fashion statement you may possibly want to change around, depending on the season? With todays options and possibilities, the choices are endless. Large purse type bags in earth tones for fall and winter are fine when you consider the possibility of winter coats getting in the way of carrying the bag, but why not spice it up a bit in spring and summer with pastel or bright colors in the backpack style? One tip we can give however is to avoid colors that will clash with your normal attire, no matter the season. Choose complimentary colors to blend with your wardrobe for the ultimate in fashion!


The option of a backpack or messenger type diaper bag leaves the possibility of using that same bag as your childs tote for their first years in school, providing them with that little bit of flare and personal expression from the first day they step on the school bus. There is also the option of buying more than one custom bag for multiple children or for traveling purposes. Different colors for your son and daughter perhaps, or coordinating colors that match your twins or Pet house triplets personalities. And remember, what supplies you need for a day at Grandmas house can greatly differ from those needed for a weekend holiday, or a trip to the zoo. You need the ease of traveling while wanting to ensure that you have everything you need, without compromising style, comfort or space. No matter the choice you make now for your diaper bag fashion statement, you can now do it in style with a designer bag that will leave you prepared, equipped and stylish all at the same time.